iLead Mobile Games Apps

War Of Clans:Krallar Çatışması 4.0.4
iLead Mobile Games
İÇERİK ÖZETİ"Krallar Çatışması" çoğu kişinin her zaman internete bağlımlıolacağını oynayabildiği büyüleyici bir strateji savaş oyunudur.İşte şimdi bu her zaman internete bağlayıp oynanan strateji savaşoyununa katılın!Ve strateji kitabınızla imparatorluk efsaneleriniziyazın!OYUN ÖZELLİKLERİ*Kendinize özgü büyülü şehir yapın,yapılar ve şehir surlarınıgeliştirin,imparatorluğunuzu güçlendirin.*Kahramanları ve meslekleri istediğiniz kadarkullanabilirsiniz.Savaşta düzenli bir şekildesaldırabilirsiniz.*Çeşitli askerleri eğiterek kuvvetli orduları organize edin veonları savaşa katıltın.İnsan,ork,peri, cüceler gibi güçlüsavaşçıları kullanabilirsiniz.*Birlikleşerek birbirinize yardım edin ve düşmanıza savaşaaçın.Askerlerin gıda ve kuru otlar desteklediği gibi sistemli oyuntekniği,size daha önce hiç hissetmediğiniz duygu.*Birleşen mağazalar ve hediye paketlerinden bedava enerji eldeedebilirsiniz.*Her zaman internette açılabilen pvp savaşı,arkadaş veya başkaoyuncularla birleşerek,stratejiler geliştirerek,birliktedüşmanlarla mücadele ederek,imparatorluklardan en güçlü birlik olunve dünyayı fethedin.*Yüzlerce mükemmel ekipman istediğiniz kadarseçebilirsiniz.Mozaik cevahirlerle muhteşem kıyafetisüsleyebilirsiniz.*Sultanlık rekabeti,dört ordu kampı,sultan olun,verginin ağırlıkderecesini karar edin.*Son savaşa katılıp imparatorluklardan birinci olun.Haydi,buçekici strateji savaş oyununu deneyin.Dikkat edin!Oyunbedava!Savaş başlıyor.Siz,hala ne bekliyorsunuz?FB: OF CONTENTS"Clash of Kings" is always a fascinating strategy war game thatmost people would be able to play bağlıml internet. Here now tojoin this strategy war game that is played each time you connect tothe internet! And write your empire legend strategy for your book!GAME FEATURES* Make yourself a unique magical city, structures and improve thecity walls, to strengthen your empire.* In kullanabilirsiniz.savaş Heroes and professional as youwant, you can attack it in an orderly manner.* Several soldiers organize a strong army and Human katıltın.educating them to fight orcs, fairies, you can use the powerfulfighters like dwarfs.* Birlikleşerek help each other and playing techniques ofsystematic as support for the war on your enemies açın.asker foodand dried herbs, you feeling you've never felt before.* The combined store and you can get free energy from the giftpackage.* Always be opened on the internet PvP combat, combined withyour friends or other players, developing strategies, by combatwith the enemy, the most powerful unity of the empire and conquerthe world.* You can decorate with gorgeous clothes as you wantseçebilirsiniz.mozaik cevahirin hundreds of excellentequipment.* Sultanate of competition, four army camps, make the sultan,check the severity of the tax decision.* Participate in the final battle of the empire was olun.hfirst, make it attractive deneyin.dikkat the strategy war game!Game for free!Başlıyor.siz war, then what are you waiting for?FBI:
Arab Empire 1.6.5
iLead Mobile Games
Arab Empire: Wrath of Khalifah is an epic historical Arab MMOSLGmobile game, which has been developed for 3 years and highlyvalued. As the first and best historical real-time strategy wargame made for Arabs to trace back to the glory of Arab Empire.Ancient Arab Empire was suffered from foreigners’ invasion. Theempire has been falling apart after Khalifah died. You, my lord,are called by the people to lead the empire to bring back the peaceand prosperity. As the inheritor, you must return to the city tocommand the troops and develop homeland to defeat the enemies andunify the empire. Download NOW! Game Features: 1. Recruit Heroes,Form in Strategy 4 characters for each hero: Loyalty, Calm,Reckless and Discretion. Hero with different characters hasdifferent skills, like combat, develop and defend etc. You can getthe Hero Token to recruit hero via opening the chest, recruitingfrom Hero Tower or engaging the event. 2. Siege Castles, Battle inReal-time You can scout other lord’s castle anytime to analyzetheir attack and defense value. Attack them to plunder resources ornegotiate to become allies. 3. Gather Resources, Upgrade BuildingsYou can build Farm, Sawmill, Iron Mine, Quarry and Trade Guild toget Food, Wood, Iron, Stone and Silver. Upgrade buildings toenhance the power. 4. Troop Restriction, Training In Tactics 4kinds of troop in Arab Empire: Infantry, Cavalry, Bowmen and SiegeEngine. They are restrained to each other! Infantry is weaknessagainst cavalry, Cavalry is good to be used to destroy the SiegeEngine. 5. Capture Hero, Judge Slave Attack other lords and try tocapture their heroes as your slave. Judge the slaves in the Courtto win military, resources and internal bonus. 6. Worldbattlefield, Legion PK You can rally allies to launch attack toenemies when the Hall of War reach Lv.6 . Tense lord strife,exciting Legion War, deploy your war strategy, to be the mostpowerful king. In Arab Empire: Wrath of Khalifah, you can simulateto build city, train army, and construct fortifications toestablish the most powerful empire. Who will be the king to unifythe Arab Empire in this lord dispute?
Future Wars: Исход Титанов 1.6.4
iLead Mobile Games
То чего вы так долго ждали стратегию для своихандроид – Future Wars: Исход Титанов. Это прекрасная интерактивнаяММО-игра на научно-фантастическую военную тему. Большаяинтенсивность PvP конкурентных режимов, мощные связи между членамиЛегиона(Сражение Легионом) и множество геймплеев стратегий помоглипостроить гораздо более лучшую стратегию, не теряя традиционнуюклассическую игровую систему.Постройте свою личную Базу, развивайте уникальных Офицеров ипродумывайте лучшую тактику защиты и нападения и соревнуйтесь сдругими Игроками – в Future Wars: Исход Титанов вам придётся нетолько сражаться, но и вступать в Легион. Внутри Легионов высможете получать необходимую помощь, торговать и развивать своегоперсонажа.Величие Вашей Империи зависит только от ВАС!Особенности игры:1.Военный научно-фантастический стиль на фоне эсхатологических темв Future Wars: Исход Титанов;2.Мощные связи между игроками - Сражение с помощью Легиона;3.Большая интенсивность PvP конкурентных режимов;4.Множество героев, отрядов и стратегий игровых режимов;5.Уникальный геймплей - Звездная Гегемония;6.Оригинальный геймплей - Внеземная технология - ‘Титан’.И все это – совершенно бесплатно!Уникальная мобильная стратегия Future Wars: Исход Титанов, ЖДЁТВАС!Внимание: Игра требует подключения к сети Интернет.Присоединяйтесь к нам:ВКонтакте:Поддержка: futurewars_ru@outlook.comAttention please! Here doomsday comes and zerg invasion! High I.Qwar strategy mobile game-Titans: Genesis is arriving. Everybody,please ready to fight!Titans: Genesis is an online strategy mobile game set onapocalypse, through high intense PVP system; sociability legionmode and strategy core play way. It’s a SLG far more than traditiongame. Siege castle, plunder resources, challenge zerg and legionwar, etc play ways. Just can't get enough.Game Features:--Seamlessly integrates High I.Q SLG with RPG!--Apocalypse scientific style, build exclusive base tochallenge!--Base on Legion with high intense PVP and interactive mode!--Multi–troop units work together; weak winning the strong is nolonger a dream!--Integrated with PVE instance, can't miss out on challenging anddevelopment!--Attack Star Palace be the Headman to dominate the Earth!--New Titan play way, there will be no difficult to conquer!--Get Honor Medal through achievement to decorate your militarywall!-- Science and technology are the primary productive force.Research the tech to change the future!-- Multi-heroes with different positions to defend your base.--Mystical energy gem to enhance the high-tech gears, suit up todominate the whole world!Wants More? Please check in Titans: Genesis. You deserve the best!Join the war of Armageddon with fellows of like mind!Присоединяйтесь к нам:ВКонтакте:Поддержка: futurewars_ru@outlook.comThat's what you've beenwaiting for a strategy for its Android - Future Wars: ExodusTitans. This is a great interactive MMO game in the sci-fi militarytheme. The high intensity of the competitive PvP modes, powerfulcommunication between the members of the Legion (Legion Battle) anda variety of gameplay strategies have helped build a much betterstrategy without losing the traditional classic game system.Build your personal base, develop unique Officers and think overthe best tactics for defense and attack and compete with otherplayers - in Future Wars: The outcome of the Titans you have to notonly fight, but also to join the Legion. Inside Legions you canreceive the necessary assistance to trade and develop yourcharacter.The greatness of your empire depend on you!Features:1.Voenny sci-fi style on a background of eschatological themes inFuture Wars: The outcome of the Titans;2.Moschnye communication between players - Battle with the help ofthe Legion;3.Bolshaya intensity of competitive PvP modes;4.Mnozhestvo heroes, teams and game modes strategies;5.Unikalny gameplay - Star hegemony;6.Originalny gameplay - Extraterrestrial technology -'Titan'.And all this - for free!Unique mobile strategy Future Wars: Exodus Titans, waiting foryou!Note: Game requires Internet connection.Join us:VKontakte: futurewars_ru@outlook.comAttention please! Here doomsday comes and zerg invasion! High I.Qwar strategy mobile game-Titans: Genesis is arriving. Everybody,please ready to fight!Titans: Genesis is an online strategy mobile game set onapocalypse, through high intense PVP system; sociability legionmode and strategy core play way. It's a SLG far more than traditiongame. Siege castle, plunder resources, challenge zerg and legionwar, etc play ways. Just can not get enough.   Game Features:--Seamlessly Integrates High I.Q SLG with RPG!--Apocalypse Scientific style, build exclusive base tochallenge!--Base On Legion with high intense PVP and interactive mode!--Multi-Troop units work together; weak winning the strong is nolonger a dream!--Integrated With PVE instance, can not miss out on challenging anddevelopment!--Attack Star Palace be the Headman to dominate the Earth!--New Titan play way, there will be no difficult to conquer!--Get Honor Medal through achievement to decorate your militarywall!- Science and technology are the primary productive force. Researchthe tech to change the future!- Multi-heroes with different positions to defend your base.--Mystical Energy gem to enhance the high-tech gears, suit up todominate the whole world!Wants More? Please check in Titans: Genesis. You deserve the best!Join the war of Armageddon with fellows of like mind!Join us:VKontakte:
Arab Empire 2- King Of Desert 1.7.5
iLead Mobile Games
Encore Classic, Empire War SLG “King Of Desert”, an era ofArabEmpire creates by you & me. ***Description*** Arab Empire2-King Of Desert is a high graphic epicSLGin the Arabic style. The gorgeous graphicanddiversified play ways subvert the conventions ofSLGmode. Full of strategy combat ways, interesting simulation,uniquePVE and cool 3D skill effects... In this empire world, youwillplay as a King Of Desert. In order to reclaim your throneandcomplete the oath of dominating the word, you will leadyourwarriors to start the journey of conquering the world. WarriorofArabic, let’s make that blood covenant again tosmashthose enemies who block your way to dominate theworld.***Features*** ▶King Of Desert, Commanders Follow◀ All heroeshavetheir own unique skill which has great bonus to the cityandcombat. Capture the enemy’s heroes, even execute them. Buildaarmy, collect scrolls to enhance the troop power, Easy foranon-paid player to upgrade. ▶ Battle Formation, PlunderLand◀Legendary classic heroes, strategy simulation, multifunctions,multi play ways. March to fight, defense the city,develop theeconomics and command thousands of armies to launch theepic war.▶ Create Your Own Kingdom◀ Upgrade legendarybuildings andheroes; Research technology, train army, build walltraps, explorethe treasure to make your kingdom prosperity!▶ 4 Kinds ofTroop Unit, Free Upgrade◀ There are 4 kinds oftroops: infantry,cavalry, range and siege engine. With theirownstrengths and weaknesses. Scout in place withcleartactic, and cooperate with hero’s battle skill to overcometheweaknesses is the key todeterminethe victory ahead of time. ▶ IncomingMonsters, SlayTo Loot Treasure◀ Mysterious and unpredictablemonsters arerampaging on the world. They carry numberlesstreasures. Who willbe the master of these treasures, let’s wait andsee! ▶ WorldWar, Fight For Throne◀ The aggressive lord’sdispute, excited holycity war, getthe whole force ready. Who will be theking to rulethe Arab Empire? Let the Arab Empire bring you to thislegendaryworld. ***Support*** Follow us to get news and updates.Facebook: ***WarmNotice***Arab Empire is free to play, however some game items canbepurchased with real money. Please arrange your time properly,avoidaddiction.
Dawn of Doomsday
iLead Mobile Games
Doomsday has come! Zombies have taken over the world. Thewholeworld is infected with a virus and overrun with zombies. Youneedto face not only the exhausted environment but other survivorswhowant to eradicate you to get your resources. We need someonetohelp us make a new world order. Who will become thestrongestcommander? Dawn of Doomsdays is a multi-player, real-timestrategywar game with a zombie theme. To survive the apocalypse,you needto build your own shelter, train your troops, recruitheroes,battle against zombies and human enemies. FEATURES -Westerncartoon style with 3D graphics The characters with westerncartoonstyle are vividly displayed in 3D. The game provides areal-worldsimulation which perfectly shows the ruins at the end ofthe world.- Take on the survival challenge in a post-apocalypticworld Thegame unfolds in a post-apocalyptic world with a zombiecrisis. Allsurvivors have to eliminate all kinds of mutant zombies,protecttheir homes and save the world. - Build your own shelterBuild upyour bases, upgrade the facilities, research thetechnologies andtrain your troops to defend your territory. - Buildan army withpowerful heroes Recruit and collect your heroes,upgrade the skillsand gears to strengthen your army. Deploy them inbattle withstrategy and make the strongest hero team to win thebattles! -Plan your battle strategy Knowing your enemy is half thebattle.Scout your enemy, select your troops, use differentstrategies andgather your allies in battle to achieve victory. -Build allianceswith other survivors Your allies always have yourback. Findsomeone you can trust and build a strong alliance. Occupytheoutpost and expand your territory to gain resources. Fighttogetherto take control of the world. - Multiplayer online PVPbattles Joinreal-time battles and fight against players worldwidein online PVPmode. Challenge other survivors in the arena andbecome the mostpowerful commander at the end of the world. Are youprepared?Download now to save the world.
عاصفة الحرب 1.0.6
iLead Mobile Games
عاصفة الحرب ، جاءت من أجل الاجتياح (المهام الميدانية ) هي لعبةحديثةثلاثية الابعاد ذات خلفية عسكرية ، تجمع بين RPG و SLG الطرقالمبتكرةللعب ، أسلوب رائع وقريب من الواقع جدا ، معدات عسكرية شبهحقيقية،مشاهد رهيبة ومهيبة ، مواجهة غزو واستفزازت الإرهابيين ، هللديكالجرأة لتعيش مغامرة القتال؟ مميزات اللعبة : 3D عالية الوضوحوالدقةتم التطوير باستخدام Unity3D ، صور رائعة لتحقيق أقصىالطموحاتالمثالية استراتيجية نظام وتجميع الأسلحة الدبابات ، عرباتالحرب ،العربات الخاصة ، المدافع ومجموعة جنود اخرى ، اداء القتالثلاثيالأبعاد ، الردع المتبادل بين الجنود ، الاستمتاع بالمعاركأكثرواقعية وذكاء . نظام الأبطال والعب المبتكر عشرة ابطال منالطرازالأنيق ، نظام الصوت متعدد اللغات ، مهارات الابطال الفريدةوأساليبالهجوم المساعدة لتحدي معارك الطبقات ، تجربة مختلفة لتجربةSLGالقتالية هناك جيل جديد من الحروب الحديثة ثلاثية الأبعاد علىالخطالساخن ، عندما تستمر الكارثة، سوف تدرك مواجهة معركة غيرمعروفهوإرهابيين غير معروفين ، فحماية هذه الأرض هي مهتمك الميدانية.التواصل معانا : / تابع الفيس بوك